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Your cat seems to scratch around your home whenever she gets the chance. Why does she do this?

Scratching can be a fun way for your pet to stretch a bit and get moving a little. It also gives her something to do when she may not see any other prospects. However, this isn’t the main reasoning behind the behavior. Your cat’s claws are continually growing, and your pet needs to keep them at a manageable length and at optimal sharpness. This ensures that she will be able to use her claws in the intended manner whenever necessary. Scratching also leaves behind markers of your pet’s territory. The scratch marks leave behind a visual reminder and the scent glands near your pet’s paw area help enhance this to passing animals. For more information, please contact your local Simi Valley, CA veterinarian.

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Views: 444 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.18.2016 | Comments (0)

There are two theories that have been forwarded by experts to explain this bizarre habit. Some experts say that it is a leftover behavior from the wild ancestors of domesticated dogs. Less dominant members of the pack would take a bite of the prey and carry it to a place where it’s safe and far enough so they won’t be challenged by pack members that are higher in rank.

A dog that moves his food away from the food bowl and eat it in another location may be an important sign that he does not like his bowl or its location.  He may hate the sound made when his tags bump on the edge of the food bowl, or the sound the kibble makes along the sides of the bowl. The dog may also be uncomfortable with the food bowls height, depth, or width.

Consult your Bucks County, PA veterinarian if you have concerns or problems regarding your ... Read more »

Views: 489 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.18.2016 | Comments (0)