Some people enjoy watching and interacting with snakes and want to keep one in their homes. Before getting a pet snake, consider the care required in raising a snake. You will need a large enclosure set up for your particular snake’s needs. Snakes are cold-blooded so you will need to provide your snake with light and heat. Consider heat lamps that don’t give off light for use overnight so both you and your snake get sleep. Give your snake rocks and branches to climb over and a place to curl up to sleep. Some snakes eat only vegetables and others require live food such as feeder mice. Research a variety of snakes and learn as much as you can about their care. Contact a reputable snake breeder to purchase your snake but also to get advice on care. Never adopt a snake captured from the wild. For more information, contact your North Phoenix, AZ veterinarian.
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Cats love to be petted and scratched. However, don’t rush the process. Allow your cat to become acclimated to your home and its residents. Talk to your cat softly even when she is hiding. Allow your cat to approach you for attention. Don’t grab at your cat or force her to interact with you. Once your cat is comfortable with you, it’s pretty safe to scratch her ears and under her chin. Take care not to pass your hand in front of your cat’s eyes since that could frighten her. Petting your cat’s back and sides down to the base of the tail is usually welcome and may result in elevator butt. Many cats don’t like their legs and belly touched. This can be taken as a threat. In the wild, cats do anything to protect their bellies and internal organs. Learn more from your North Phoenix, AZ veterinary clinic.
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Avoid approaching dogs you don’t know especially those that are in fenced in or in a crate. If you reach into a dog’s territory, the dog may jump on you or bite you. This also includes shelter dogs you are considering for adoption. If you come upon a dog with his owner, ask if the dog is friendly and if you can pet him. Wait for an answer and respect the owner’s wishes. Don’t rush up to a dog even one presumed to be friendly. Don’t shove your hand in the dog’s face or try to hug him. Approach the dog from the side and don’t make eye contact. Put your hand out but allow the dog to approach you and sniff the back of your hand. You can carefully pet the dog once he feels comfortable with you. Contact your North Phoenix, AZ vet for more information.
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If you own a pet turtle like the Wood turtle then you may want to talk with your vet to learn more about basic care and health concerns associated with turtles. Your vet may tell you about mouth rot, which is a common condition found in snakes, lizards and turtles. Mouth rot, also known as necrotic stomatitis, refers to an inflammation of the mouth. In many cases the condition first appears as small hemorrhages on the gums or as excessive amounts of mucus in the mouth. The mucus may contain pus or blood. These hemorrhages may also show up on the inside of the mouth near the lips. Other symptoms of mouth rot include a swollen mouth or the appearance of breathing through the mouth. Mouth rot may occur as a result of an illness, injury, poor nutrition, stress, inadequate environment temperatures or overcrowding. Talk with your vet Coon Rapids, MN to learn more.
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Canaries are a hardy species of birds; they seldom get ill and almost all of their health problems are caused by poor diet, exposure to weather extremes, and poorly maintained enclosures.
Nutrition is the cornerstone of good health thus you should always make sure that your pet is given a nutritionally-balanced diet that is appropriate for the species. Regular physical and mental stimulation are also important to keep them alert and to prevent them from developing problem behaviors. Bird owners should make the effort to learn as much as they can about their feathered friends so they will be able to take a proactive approach in safeguarding their health and wellbeing. Pet owners should be vigilant in spotting signs of poor health and bring them to the attention of a veterinarian. Some important symptoms to watch out for include wheezing, poor appetite, ruffled feathers, molting out of season, fecal droppings that diffe
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While dog humping is often considered by pet health experts as an innate canine behavior, it can also be an important sign of a behavior problem or a health issue.
Urinary Problems
Some dogs suffering from urinary incontinence or urinary tract infection hump as a result of the problem.
Compulsive Behavior
Humping can be a compulsive disorder in dogs; it is actually a repetitive habit that can be uncomfortable for your dog, and which can interfere in their natural function. Dogs may need behavioral treatment when humping becomes a compulsive disorder.
Persistent Penile Erection
There are cases when humping in dog is almost always accompanied by an erection. This can possibly mean that th
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