Main » 2016 » June » 12 » Considering a Pet Snake
7:47 PM
Considering a Pet Snake

Some people enjoy watching and interacting with snakes and want to keep one in their homes. Before getting a pet snake, consider the care required in raising a snake. You will need a large enclosure set up for your particular snake’s needs. Snakes are cold-blooded so you will need to provide your snake with light and heat. Consider heat lamps that don’t give off light for use overnight so both you and your snake get sleep. Give your snake rocks and branches to climb over and a place to curl up to sleep. Some snakes eat only vegetables and others require live food such as feeder mice. Research a variety of snakes and learn as much as you can about their care. Contact a reputable snake breeder to purchase your snake but also to get advice on care. Never adopt a snake captured from the wild. For more information, contact your North Phoenix, AZ veterinarian.

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