Main » 2016 » June » 12 » Petting Your Cat
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Petting Your Cat

Cats love to be petted and scratched. However, don’t rush the process. Allow your cat to become acclimated to your home and its residents. Talk to your cat softly even when she is hiding. Allow your cat to approach you for attention. Don’t grab at your cat or force her to interact with you. Once your cat is comfortable with you, it’s pretty safe to scratch her ears and under her chin. Take care not to pass your hand in front of your cat’s eyes since that could frighten her. Petting your cat’s back and sides down to the base of the tail is usually welcome and may result in elevator butt. Many cats don’t like their legs and belly touched. This can be taken as a threat. In the wild, cats do anything to protect their bellies and internal organs. Learn more from your North Phoenix, AZ veterinary clinic.

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