Cats need to be motivated so they will remain enthusiastic about their training regimens. One of the best ways to motivate cats is to reward desired behavior rather than punishing actions that are unwanted. Punishment is counterproductive and creates pointless stress for cats without resolving the issue. Your cat won’t stop scratching the furniture if you spray him with water; your action merely teaches him that you are potentially threatening, and it does not really motivate him to change for the better. He will continue to scratch, often in locations where you can’t see him engaging in the behavior, or when you are not around. Punishment can also fuel other problems like aggressive behavior or litter box problems. Whatever may be the cause, positive reinforcement is definitely the better option when you want to address undesirable pet behavior. Talk to your Greenfield, IN veterinarian when you have questions and/or concerns about specific b
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Cats and dogs that live in cities are exposed to a multitude of dangers. Pet owners who live in highly urbanized areas should be aware of these risks so they can take steps to protect their pets.
Hot Pavement
A dog paw pads may feel rough but they can easily be burned when walking on scorching streets and sidewalks. If the pavement is too hot to your touch, then it’s too hot for your pooch to walk on. Always walk on shady streets; but if you can’t avoid hot pavement, a pair of booties can protect your dog’s paws from getting burned.
Litter And Trash on the Street
Dogs may see garbage on the street as irresistible buffet. When walking your pooch, steer clear of areas where there is litter and trash. Make sure your dog doesn’t eat anything that’s o
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If your Papillon has a small, minor cut then you can most likely treat it on your own at home. If you’re unsure about treatment, give your vet a call and allow him to walk you through the necessary steps for treatment. For minor cuts and scrapes, your vet may recommend that you gently clean the wound with warm or cool water. Cleaning solutions such as Vetericyn or even regular iodine or chlorhexine may also be used to clean the wound. Once the wound is clean you may then be told to pat it dry and apply a topical ointment such as Neosporin. These methods of treatment will most likely need to be done two to three times a day until the minor cut or scrape is healed. If the injury is large or deep, cover it with a bandage or cloth and stop the bleeding if necessary. Seek assistance from your veterinary clinic Pelham, ON.
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Your dog is important to you, and you want to make sure that he is well trained. This makes you wonder if he needs a professional trainer. How can you tell if this is the right path for your pet?
When it comes to training, there are a lot of different ways to go. Hiring a professional dog trainer can be a great option for many pet owners, as it allows them to have a knowledgeable individual help instill good habits in their pet. Many people who aren’t sure how to go about training opt for this method, and many other people who don’t necessarily have the time needed to dedicate to quality training do so as well. It can be particularly helpful if your pet hasn’t been as receptive to your training efforts as you’d like him to be, and you may need to try a different training method. For more information, please contact your Holt, MI veterinarian. Visit this website
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Did you know that your Siamese cat’s poop can tell you a lot about her health? Your vet can tell you that normal cat poop should typically be a dark brown color and well formed. If your Siamese cat’s poop appears to be hard, an abnormal color, or even runny then call your vet to schedule a check-up. Some cats may have routine diarrhea that lasts 24 to 48 hours. But, if your cat’s diarrhea is black, bloody or accompanied by lethargy, fever, vomiting, or change in appetite then call your vet immediately. Diarrhea may not be uncommon, but it is something to note as it could indicate an illness, inflamed bowels, colitis, or even food allergies. Constipation is also common, but again it could signal an underlying illness and should be reported to your vet. Excessive straining to poop should also be reported to your veterinary clinic Pickerington, OH. To know more, visit this website Hillview Veterinary Clini
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Your child is an important part of your family, and she has brought it to your attention that she would like a pet. How can you tell if she is ready or not?
Part of being a family is being open with one another, and now is the perfect time for a discussion about responsibility. Your child needs to know what being a pet owner means, both the joys and the responsibilities. Consider how old your child is as well as her maturity level. Explain to her what a pet would need from her in a way she can understand, and let her ask any questions she has. If she seems receptive to the idea and the rest of the family is on board, she may be ready to help care for a pet. Your local Mt. Pleasant, SC vet can offer additional guidance.
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Are your Highland cows constantly surrounded by swarms of bugs, flies, and gnats? You may notice an even larger presence of these flies and other pests during the warmer months of the year. You may want to purchase fly spray for cows in order to keep the bugs away and help make your cows more comfortable in the spring and summer months. If you’re not sure what to use, just give your vet a call and ask for advice. There are a variety of fly sprays available for livestock and equines. Make sure you purchase a livestock spray for your cows as this spray is specifically designed with cattle and other livestock in mind. If you already have equine spray, ask your vet before using it on your cows. Read all labels carefully as some sprays may not be suitable for cattle that will be used for human consumption. Call your veterinary clinic Gillette, WY for more details.
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Your kitten is an adorable addition to your family, and you are happy to have her be a part of your home. You want her to be as healthy as she can be, so you’re bringing her to your local vet for a check-up. What should you expect after this?
Your kitten will need to be looked after by a professional every now and then to make sure she is developing in a healthy way. This means that she may require more visits to the office as a youngster. Your vet will likely have you bring her in once or twice a year for a regular check-up and typical services offered young kittens. In addition to this, you should expect to bring your pet in if anything out of the ordinary happens, like she gets sick or becomes injured. Your local Boston, MA vet can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.
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