If your Burmese cat has been diagnosed with fatty liver disease make sure to schedule time to talk with your vet about treatment, medication, and long-term care. Cats with fatty liver disease will need a specialized treatment plan to not only treat the disease, but to also make the cat comfortable. In many instances, fatty liver disease is brought on by malnourishment or vitamin deficient diets. In some cases, when the condition is severe, hospitalization may be required to reverse the state of starvation as well as to provide immediate fluids and vitamins. Once home, the Burmese’s treatment will be primarily dietary. If the Burmese is unwilling to eat he may need to be fed through a tube or syringe to help get him started. Once the Burmese is past the first few critical days of recovery his chances of a full recovery may increase. Contact your veterinary clinic Webster, NY for more information, visit http://rochestercatvet.com/ .
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Oftentimes, many cat parents wait for the smell from the litter box to start permeating the surroundings before replacing the litter in the litter box. Cat litter differ in their ability to prevent odor buildup, however, there tends to be some common trends on specific types of materials. Crystals are known for their excellent ability to contain smells. Crystal/clay hybrids comes next when it comes to the holding in litter box odors followed by clays, and finally all-natural materials such as wood, corn cobs, etc. But this does not mean that you should automatically disregard the idea of using corn or paper pellet litter for your cat’s litter box. These materials are better for the environment, easier on the pocket, more comfortable to your pet’s sensitive paws, less tracking, etc. You can also ask your Ashburn, VA veterinarian’s opinion when choosing the best litter for your cat. Click her
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A dog that suffers from separation anxiety displays distinct behaviors that can be easily spotted by the owner. Early signs may include becoming panic stricken when their owners are preparing to leave the house. Other important symptoms of separation anxiety include chewing and destroying things while the owner is out of the house. Potty accidents, whining, barking, or howling are signals of resentment at their owner’s departure.
Dogs with separation anxiety often show no remorse over items that they have destroyed while their owners are away. Without proper intervention, this can lead to further disobedience which can affect the relationship within the pack hierarchy. Over time, this can lead to anxiety-induced aggression.
Another important sign of separation anxiety in dogs is engaging in over-enthusiastic greetings at their owner’s arrival. Without correction, this b
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Did you know that dogs can die from severe dehydration? While cases of dehydration are high during summer, it can affect dogs at any time of the year. Here are some ways to protect your dog from dehydration and its complications.
- If your dog is on a kibble diet, make sure he has plenty of access of clean fresh water.
- Take your dog on outdoor excursions or let him participate in physical activities during the cooler hours of the day – early morning or early evening.
- Make sure to bring drinking water for your dog when you go for walks or any outdoor activity. There are water bottles for dogs that you can get from pet stores.
A dog that is seriously dehydrated has a dry nose, sunken eyes, and skin that lack elasticity. Try pressing your dog’s gums and see if
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When you are planning a house project that involves tile adhesives, spray foam insulation, and polyurethane glues, always remember that these products can contain isocyanates. When ingested, isocyanate compounds can expand in the stomach, forming large foreign bodies that require surgical removal.
Fiberglass Insulation
While fiberglass insulation may look like cotton candy, ingestion can cause mouth irritation and possible obstruction of the digestive tract by the fiberglass that it contains. If your pet rubs up against any fiberglass insulation, make sure to bathe him immediately using mild soap and water to remove all the fibers.
Tile Adhesives, Spray Foam Insulation and Polyurethane Glues
These products can contain isocyanates, compounds that expand in the stomach if ingested, and can form
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Bringing home a new cat is exciting, but it’s also a lot of work. If your feline is going to be a family pet, it’s a good idea to get your kids involved in caring for the animal. Here are a few ways even small children can help care for a new cat.
Feeding and watering the cat is a good chore for children. Even a very young child can be charged with making sure that the water bowl is always full.
Scooping the litter box is no fun, but if it means having a pet, many children are happy to take on the responsibility. Just make sure you keep an eye on the box yourself. It’s easy for children to forget!
The very best chore for children is playing with the cat! Your job is always to remember to schedule annual appointments with Central Jersey Veterinary Clinic.
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