Main » 2016 » March » 19

The quantity of food that an adult dog should eat each day highly depends on a number of factors including the dog’s size, how much physical activity he gets, and the dog’s age. One of the easiest techniques that pet owners can use so they will know how much their adult dog needs to eat per day is to refer to the feeding recommendations that can be found on pet food labels. However, always keep in mind that these figures are just recommendations and you should check out the suggested amount recommended for your pet’s weight range. If a dog’s weight is on the lower limit of the weight range, feed the smaller quantity that is recommended. But if your dog is on higher weight range, feed him the higher amount that is recommended. Another factor that can also help determine how much a dog should eat per day is your animal’s activity level. Dogs that don’t get enough daily physical activity may only need 90% of the recommend ... Read more »

Views: 481 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

Young Persian kittens should be introduced to the grooming regimen as early as possible so they will get used to the routine and learn to tolerate, if not, enjoy the experience. Since they have extremely fine hair, you should be very gentle when combing or brushing them. Persian cats that are not used to regular grooming while still very young can be much harder to brush, which entails being extra careful when grooming them until they get used to the process.

If an adult Persian cat is not comfortable being groomed, avoid subjecting him to the regimen for too long. You can make grooming sessions fun by doing it in short bursts, making sure you have some of his favorite treats on hand. But if you really have trouble getting your cat to accept being groomed, perhaps taking him to a grooming parlor is the best answer to your pet’s grooming needs. The staff is well trained to deal with difficult cats and get them us ... Read more »

Views: 467 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

It is a common superstition that black cats will bring you bad luck. This is so prevalent that black cats are harder to find homes for and some shelters will even offer incentives if you adopt a black cat. However, black cats don’t cause any more problems than any other color cat. And in some countries, black cats are considered good luck. Of course, a black coat will create a very distinctive contrast with your cat’s eyes, making them even more piercing and beautiful. These cats can be very handsome. One downfall is that allergy sufferers will be more likely to have a reaction to a darker color cat than a light colored one. And the reaction may be more severe so someone with a mild allergy may have a lot of trouble with a black cat. Keep this in mind when selecting your cat for adoption. Contact your Warminster, PA vet to learn more.

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Views: 507 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

With the warm weather upon us, your dog may start shedding his winter coat. This can make a mess of your dog and your house. Brush your dog frequently to remove excessive hair. Since fleas and ticks will come out of dormancy and hatch in the spring, check your dog for these insects as you brush him. You may even see flea dirt indicating the beginning of an infestation. You may not have walked your dog in the cold weather as often as you normally do so his nails may need trimming. Nip a little at a time to avoid the quick. This is the nerve and blood supply to the nail and it will hurt and bleed if nicked. Trim again a few days later after the quick has retracted a bit. While you’re grooming your dog, take time to clean his ears and teeth. Learn more from your Warminster, PA veterinary clinic.

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Views: 473 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

If you own an indoor cat such as a Persian then you may be wondering if her care should be different then say an outdoor Persian cat. Certainly there will be areas where care and treatment of an indoor Persian will differ from an outdoor Persian. For instance, your indoor cat may have access to dry cat food all day while your outdoor cat must come inside for food. Your indoor cat may have her nails trimmed more often than a cat living outdoors. However, when it comes to veterinarian care, the cats should be treated the same. Whether living inside or outside, most Persian cats require a set number of vaccinations not only for their own wellbeing, but also because of state laws. Wellness exams from your vet Glendale, AZ usually include routine blood work and urine samples which can help identify any type of diseases or organ dysfunction something beneficial for all cats. For more information, click here.

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Views: 625 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

Owning a pet Cockatiel can be a lot of fun. If you’re a first time bird owner then you may have a few questions regarding basic care and upkeep of your Cockatiel. For instance, you might want to know if your pet bird can carry mites. This is a good question to talk over with your vet. Your veterinarian will probably tell you that contrary to popular belief, most pet birds do not carry mites. In fact, mites are often seen only on birds living in the wild. This does not mean; however, that your Cockatiel cannot pick up mites. If your bird comes into contact with mites in some way then he will be susceptible to an infestation. The most common mites found on pet birds are scaly-faced mites, air sac mites, feather mites and red mites. Call your veterinarian Glendale, AZ if you notice your Cockatiel has itchy skin, skin lesions, anemia or feather damage. More details here.

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Views: 1586 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

Did you know that it’s possible for Golden Retrievers and other types of dogs to get sunburn? Dogs are prone to sunburn and even skin cancers in much the same manner as humans. If you’re planning a trip to the beach or somewhere outdoors then you should ask your vet ahead of time about ways to keep your dog from getting too hot and from getting sunburn. Some dog breeds are more susceptible to sunburn than others. For instance, dogs with thin hair or hairless dogs can burn easily. Such dogs include the Chinese Crested and the hairless Chihuahua. Most all dogs have some part of their skin that is not covered completely by their coats. Your Golden’s underarms and belly can be prone to sunburn. In order to prevent sunburn from happening, try to keep your dog in a shady area while outdoors. Your veterinary clinic Glendale, AZ may also have some tips.

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Views: 739 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)

Do you own a Bourke’s Parakeet? Did you know that Parakeets and other birds require routine vaccines just like other pets? Give your vet a call to schedule a routine exam and set up vaccinations. Your vet should be able to tell you if your bird has been vaccinated on a previous visit. If not, ask for vaccinations and also for a vaccine schedule to be set if needed. The only vaccine that birds need is the Polyomavirus vaccine. The Polyomavirus is a virus that can affect a bird’s organs and other parts of its body. Baby birds are the most susceptible to this virus and rarely survive. The vaccination schedule should be given to baby birds at five to seven weeks of age. Juvenile and adult birds can be infected by the virus, but are most often able to overcome it. It’s important to keep infected birds separated. Talk to your vet Glendale, AZ for more information.

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Views: 518 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.19.2016 | Comments (0)