Main » 2016 » March » 19 » Springtime Grooming for Your Dog
7:57 AM
Springtime Grooming for Your Dog

With the warm weather upon us, your dog may start shedding his winter coat. This can make a mess of your dog and your house. Brush your dog frequently to remove excessive hair. Since fleas and ticks will come out of dormancy and hatch in the spring, check your dog for these insects as you brush him. You may even see flea dirt indicating the beginning of an infestation. You may not have walked your dog in the cold weather as often as you normally do so his nails may need trimming. Nip a little at a time to avoid the quick. This is the nerve and blood supply to the nail and it will hurt and bleed if nicked. Trim again a few days later after the quick has retracted a bit. While you’re grooming your dog, take time to clean his ears and teeth. Learn more from your Warminster, PA veterinary clinic.

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