As the winter season gives way to spring, we’re all looking forward to warmer temperatures. Before summer arrives, make sure you know how to help your cat beat the heat.
It all starts with making sure that your cat has access to fresh, clean water. This means replacing the water in his bowl at least once a day. You should also strive to clean out the bowl every time the water is replaced. If your cat heads outside, you may have to check on the water bowl more often.
Although you may be tempted to shave your cat to help him cool off, that fluffy coat actually helps insulate him against the heat! Instead, strive to brush your cat every day to get rid of dead hair that can make your cat uncomfortable.
For more tips, visit with your vet clinic Lafayette LA.
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Knowing when you should blanket your horse, Burro, sheep, or other livestock can be tricky. But finding the right size blanket can be even trickier. A general rule is to recognize that not every Burro is the same size, weight, or even the same body temperature. Your Burro may need a blanket while a neighboring Burro does not. Your best friend may be blanketing her horse or pony, but that does not mean you need to blanket your Burro. Your neighbor may have a Burro that wears a size 68 blanket, but that doesn’t mean your similar sized Burro will wear a size 68 too. When it comes to blanketing your Burro there’s not a specific guideline to follow. You have to determine what’s right for your Burro and stick with it even if someone else is doing the exact opposite. Always check with your vet Kennesaw, GA if you have questions. More information here.
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Did you know that fatty liver disease can affect a variety of birds and chickens including the Albinos chicken breed? Your vet can tell you about Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome (FLHS) and Fatty Liver and Kidney Syndrome (FLKS). While FLHS can affect birds at any age, FLKS typically affects young or young adults only. To prevent either of these diseases from occurring you should feed your Albino chickens a diet rich in biotin, which is a water soluble B vitamin. Symptoms of both FLHS and FLKS includes obesity, pale comb, egg laying is slow or has stopped, fluffed appearance, lethargy, sitting in one place without moving, and excess abdominal fat, which could be from the swelling of the liver. Contact your veterinarian Kennesaw, GA if your Albino chickens have any of these symptoms. Blood tests are usually needed to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. To know more, click here.
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Do you own pet Icelandic sheep? If so, do know what types of grain and treats you can feed them? Treats are a great way to help train your sheep to do a variety of things such as coming when you call them and teaching them to play or do tricks. Just ask your vet or fellow sheep owners for their recommendations for sheep treats. Some Icelandic sheep owners recommend sticking with commercial treats that are specifically made for sheep as other treats such as horse treats are made with high levels of copper which could hurt sheep. There are also some Icelandic sheep owners who feed their sheep animal crackers while others prefer to add a little corn or even alfalfa cubes to the diet. What you feed your Icelandic sheep is generally a matter of personal preference. Just make sure you talk to your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA first. See details here.
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Nubian goats typically eat greens and grains, but some Nubian goats have been known to eat just about anything. By nature, goats are usually curious creatures that like to try a little bit of everything including paper, cardboard, tin cans, and other foreign objects. It may be funny to see your Nubian goat eat a tin can, but if he does please call your vet to find out if you need to take any action. Goats may have a strong digestive system, but it doesn’t mean they can eat whatever they want. Nubian goats generally thrive on a diet of trees, shrubs, plants and hay. Nubian goats can even eat plants like capeweed, which is actually toxic to most other animals. Some goats are raised to clear brush and farmland. But they also do well on grains like alfalfa. Talk with your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA for more food options.
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Champagne ferrets love to get into things. They’re curious creatures and they have a knack for exploring and sometimes getting into trouble. For instance, your ferret may accidently get into the shampoo, soap, or other cleaning or bathing solution. If this happens, call your vet immediately for assistance. When you talk with your vet be sure to have the cleaner in hand so you can tell him what chemicals are involved. You may also need to call poison control for treatment suggestions. Your vet may instruct you to flush or rinse your Champagne ferret’s eyes with cool water to prevent burning or other serious damage. To help prevent future accidents, always remove your ferret from his cage when cleaning it. When giving your ferret a bath try to avoid washing his face and eyes. Talk to your vet Marietta, GA for more information and helpful tips.
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