Main » 2016 » March » 1 » My Champagne Ferret has Cleaner in his Eyes
4:23 AM
My Champagne Ferret has Cleaner in his Eyes

Champagne ferrets love to get into things. They’re curious creatures and they have a knack for exploring and sometimes getting into trouble. For instance, your ferret may accidently get into the shampoo, soap, or other cleaning or bathing solution. If this happens, call your vet immediately for assistance. When you talk with your vet be sure to have the cleaner in hand so you can tell him what chemicals are involved. You may also need to call poison control for treatment suggestions. Your vet may instruct you to flush or rinse your Champagne ferret’s eyes with cool water to prevent burning or other serious damage. To help prevent future accidents, always remove your ferret from his cage when cleaning it. When giving your ferret a bath try to avoid washing his face and eyes. Talk to your vet Marietta, GA for more information and helpful tips.

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