Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be the most common medications prescribed in veterinary medicine for pain relief, but some dogs develop side effects that may range from mild to serious, life-threatening conditions. In order to reduce the risk of side effects and to take full advantage of the therapeutic effects of NSAIDs, many veterinarians subject the patient to a complete medical exam. Screening will help establish if your pet has increased risks to developing some side effects when given NSAIDs. The dog’s medical history will also be evaluated. Pre-existing health problems and medications that patient is currently taking will also be taken in to consideration before the vet will prescribe NSAIDs.
Screen tests for NSAIDs risk factors may also include blood work so your vet will be aware of the presence of any pre-clinical disease. There are
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Your dog loves taking walks with you, but in order to get the most out of this time they should be of the ideal length. However, it can be a bit tricky to determine just how long your pet’s walks should be. How can you tell if you’re out for an adequate amount of time?
Your pet needs you to take the time to evaluate his needs objectively. His breed and age will help you get a basis for what is necessary, but you will need to fine tune this to his individual needs as well. These will include his general health, any physical issues that may impact his exercise, and his lifestyle. For example, if he is very active throughout the day, he may not need as long of a walk as a pet who is sedentary may. Your local Oshawa, ON vet can help you better understand your pet. Click on the link to know more details.
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Hamsters are pretty much nocturnal so it’s hard to determine when your hamster will be alert enough for exercise. Early morning and evening are your best times. However, never wake a sleeping hamster since he may lash out and bite you. Your hamster needs daily exercise to help prevent obesity. Put climbing apparatus and a hamster wheel in the cage to encourage exercise. Take your hamster out of his cage daily for playtime. Give your hamster tubes to run through, boxes to climb on or even a maze to run. A hamster ball can give your hamster lots of exercise and room to explore in safety. Watch that the ball doesn’t fall down stairs. Also check that peo
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Teaching your puppy to urinate and defecate outside is essential to sharing your home with him. Start his training as soon as you bring him home. The paper training method requires a puppy-proof room. Cover the floor with newspaper and allow him to do his business as will. Gradually remove the paper a bit at a time till there is just one sheet by the door. When he heads toward this paper, take him outside quickly. Your puppy will soon understand he needs to go to the door and go outside to eliminate. Crate training relies on your dog’s instinct to keep his sl
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Caring for a canine’s dental health is no easy feat, which is why so many dogs end up with smelly mouths and unhealthy teeth. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider pulling your dog’s teeth.
Gum disease is fairly common among canines. It can compromise the effectiveness of your dog’s teeth, but it is also very painful. It may actually be easier for your dog to eat if he doesn’t have diseased teeth.
Sometimes, dogs can damage their teeth, exposing the sensitive inner area of the tooth. Crowns and bridges aren’t usually the best solution. Instead, a professional vet may recommend pulling the tooth.
There are other conditions that may compromise the effectiveness of your dog’s teeth, making it painful to eat. To determine your dog’s oral health and whether or not he could use a tooth extraction, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Portland, OR.
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It’s never pleasant when your cat vomits up hairballs. Hairballs form in your cat’s stomach when she ingests too much hair, most likely when grooming herself or a companion cat. If your cat’s system can’t digest the excess hair, it forms a mass with saliva and mucus that she can throw up. Brushing your cat frequently is a good first step in preventing hairballs by removing excess hair from her coat. Consider feeding your cat a hairball formula food. This food is high in fiber and helps your cat digest the extra hair. You also use a hairball gel that your cat will lick off your fin
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Dogs don’t sharpen their own claws like cats do, which usually means that you have to clip them regularly instead, but did you know that you don’t have to? Here are some tips to keep your dog’s nails short without the need for a pair of clippers.
The secret to keeping your dog’s nails trim without clippers is keeping him active. The more time your dog spends active on his feet, the less time you’ll spend clipping his claws.
Going for walks or jogs on cemented surfaces is the best way to keep them trim. If you exercise with your dog regularly, or if you play with him in the driveway, you may never have to clip his nails.
If your dog spends all his time outside, even running around in the grass and dirt can keep his nails trim. If you do need help with your dog’s nails, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Portland, OR. Click here for more information.
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Is your Black Lab vomiting more than usual? If so, call your vet right away. It is not uncommon for dogs to vomit. However, if your dog is vomiting several times a day then it could signal a serious medical condition. In most cases, Black Labs will vomit if they have eaten something that doesn’t agree with them or if they eat too quickly. Sometimes they will vomit if they have eaten too much. If your dog Black Lab is vomiting it could also be because he has eaten something toxic. Vomiting can also be caused by gastrointestinal or systemic disorders. It’s important to watch your dog for other symptoms besides vomiting as this can help diagnose the underlying cause. Things to keep in mind include noting if your dog is eating regularly and having regular bowl movements. Your vet Savannah, GA may recommend watching for dehydration, lethargy, blood in vomit, weight loss, and a change in appetite.
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If you own a Black Lab and a swimming pool then there are a few things you may want to look out for such as your dog’s tendency to drink pool water. If you see your Black Lab drinking pool water then you may want to give your vet a call. In most cases the amount of chlorine in a well maintained swimming pool is fairly low. However, if you’re not the one maintaining the pool do not assume the levels are low. Chlorinated water in general is not the best choice for animal or human. You should try and discourage your dog from drinking the pool water. If your Black Lab drinks a lot of pool water, just give your veterinarian Savannah, GA and Westside Animal Hospital a call and find out if there’s anything you need to do. In most scenarios, an occasional drink will not hurt your pup, but it’s best to keep him away just in case.
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Felines are natural hunters, so you shouldn’t be surprised to see your furry friend going after a spider or an ant on the floor. The question is whether or not letting your cat catch those bugs is safe.
For the most part, you can allow your cat to practice his hunting skills by stalking, catching, and even eating a wide variety of bugs. Most bugs are harmless, and may even provide your cat with some extra protein.
However, it is important to note that some bugs can be poisonous. Even an ant can pinch or bite, causing your cat’s lip to swell. If you live in an area with very poisonous bugs, it’s probably best to keep your cat away from the creepy crawlies that find their way into your home.
If your cat did get bitten or stung, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Portland, OR right away. Learn more here.
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