Main » 2016 » September » 21 » Can Black Labs Drink Pool Water?
8:26 AM
Can Black Labs Drink Pool Water?

If you own a Black Lab and a swimming pool then there are a few things you may want to look out for such as your dog’s tendency to drink pool water. If you see your Black Lab drinking pool water then you may want to give your vet a call. In most cases the amount of chlorine in a well maintained swimming pool is fairly low. However, if you’re not the one maintaining the pool do not assume the levels are low. Chlorinated water in general is not the best choice for animal or human. You should try and discourage your dog from drinking the pool water. If your Black Lab drinks a lot of pool water, just give your veterinarian Savannah, GA and Westside Animal Hospital a call and find out if there’s anything you need to do. In most scenarios, an occasional drink will not hurt your pup, but it’s best to keep him away just in case.

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