There are times when pet owners need to give medication to their pet dog or cat. Giving a worming or antibiotic tablet to your pet can certainly be tricky business; here are some tips to help make the process less stressful for both you and your pet:
- Before giving the medication, double check that you have the right one and the correct amount. Make sure you understand the instructions of your veterinarian.
- While your kitty is in a sitting position, place a hand on top of his head, just over his ears. The same hand holds the cat’s cheekbones.
- The cat’s head is then tilted backwards so his nose is pointing upwards, causing his mouth to open slightly. Grasp the tablet between the thumb and index finger of your second hand and slowly open the cat’s mouth with the fingers of the other hand. Then drop the tablet into the b
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When bathing your dog, you should always remember that the wetter your dog’s haircoat is, the easier it will be to work in the shampoo. You may need to add small amounts of pet shampoo as you go to get rid of the grease on the dog’s skin, thereby allowing the shampoo to penetrate down to the skin.
Adding more water before adding more shampoo makes it easier to lather up. You can’t make a good lather in the absence of water.
A sponge can be used to apply pet shampoo around your dog’s face. This will make it easier for you to remove the dirt and debris on his face without any resistance from your pooch. The dog’s lips, muzzle, and under the tail should be thoroughly rubbed with shampoo because there are areas where bacteria and fungus proliferate and cause infection.
Know more about your dog's grooming needs by vi
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Some breeds of dogs need special eye care because they are more susceptible to eye problems. These dogs are mostly brachycephalic breeds such as pugs, bulldogs, boxers, and Pekingese. Long-haired cat breeds are also prone to eye irritation. Regular eye cleaning at home is also important especially for pets with white or light-colored hair coats to prevent tear staining.
Some eye conditions such as tear duct abnormalities, ulcers, and conjunctivitis can cause excess production of tears which eventually leads to more staining.
It is best to check with your vet if you are concerned about your dog’s eye stains. An inflamed eye, increase in tear production, or excessive blinking should be brought to the attention of the Portland, OR vet as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage to the eye or loss of vision. Visit this website for m
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Unlike dogs, cats and other small animals, donkeys may not need to visit a vet Mt. Airy, GA every few months. However, your donkey still needs a vet. Donkeys along with other farmyard and equine animals require general wellness exams, routine vaccinations, and general check-ups. Depending on the region you live in, your donkey may need a specific set of shots or vet visits to comply with state or regional regulations. In addition, it’s always important to establish a medical history for your donkey in case he has an unexpected emergency or illness in the future. Existing medical history can help your vet or an emergency on call vet provide a quicker diagnosis or form of treatment should your donkey need it. Providing routine vet care is not only for your donkey’s health, but also for the overall health and wellness of all of your farm animals and pets. For more information, visit this website.
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We all have seen the commercials of animals in distress and in desperate need of a home. Some of these animals have physical disabilities while others have mental disabilities and still others suffer from both. If you are interested in adopting a bunny with special needs, contact your vet Mt. Airy, GA to find out if he has any recommendations or contact information for people that are caring for bunnies with special needs. Before adopting, it’s important to remember that not only are you becoming the bunny’s caretaker for life, but you are also becoming the bunny’s eyes and ears as they may not have the capacity to totally think for themselves. Like developmentally delayed people, bunnies with mental illness may also be mentally or physically underdeveloped and need special attention on a daily basis. You must make sure you have the time, patience, and even the funds to pursue such a commitment prio
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Have you ever had someone call your mule a donkey or refer to your donkey as a mule? If so, then you most likely understand the difference between a donkey and a mule. But not everyone does. Your vet Habersham County, GA can probably tell you a story or two about people who have confused their donkey for a mule or vice versa. There is; however, a distinctive difference. First, mules tend to be larger than donkeys and resemble more of a horse than a donkey. A donkey’s coat is generally coarser than a mule’s as well. A mule makes a sound that is a cross between a horse’s whinny and a donkey’s bray. Donkeys simply bray. Genetically speaking, the donkey is a descendent of the African wild ass. They are a completely different species than horse. The mule; however, is a cross between a female horse and a male donkey. Click here to know more.
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There are a lot of things that you need to look for when buying your horse or other livestock a sheet or blanket to wear. Your vet Habersham County, GA can help you understand the size, weight/fill, denier, and water proof level that you will need to look for in a blanket. In addition, your vet may also remind you to make sure you look for a blanket that is breathable. This is important as it has to deal with how well it will ventilate your horse. Some blankets are not breathable in that they block all air out in order to keep your horse completely dry and warm. In most cases; however, you want your horse to have some type of breathability in the blanket since it will allow air to circulate within the blanket and keep your horse cool. It can also help prevent excessive sweating under the blanket.
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If you own a horse then you probably know how difficult it is to not only find the right blanket for your horse, but to also decide the appropriate time when to blanket your horse. Your vet Habersham County, GA may be able to help you out with this common dilemma. Your vet may remind you that the first rule of practice is to recognize that not every horse is the same size, the same weight, or the same body temperature. Your horse may need a blanket while a neighboring horse does not. You and your best friend may both own a Quarter Horse that stands at 15.2 hands, but one may be blanket size 72 while the other is a 78. When it comes to blanketing your horse there’s not a specific guideline to follow. You have to determine what’s right for your horse and stick with it even if someone else is doing the exact opposite. Learn more here.
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