Your vet Olathe, KS can tell you that determining the amount of time your horse spends outside has a lot to do with where you live, what your horse’s workload is, the temperament of your horse, your horse’s current health status including weight, and even your own personal opinion regarding turnout time. Talking with your vet can help you determine what’s best for your particular horse. For instance, if you live in an area that is not subject to drastic climate changes then your vet may recommend keeping your horse out as much as possible. However, if you live in a region that is subject to prolonged heat waves or severely cold temperatures then you may want to consider keeping your horse indoors more often than not. If you show your horse regularly then you may personally want to keep your horse in to ensure cleanliness and less chance of injury. Learn more here.
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Your vet Olathe, KS can tell you that the Alaskan Malamute is among several breeds of dogs that are prone to illnesses and diseases that can affect their mobility. One such disease is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), which can cause the loss of mobility and feeling in the legs. If your Weimaraner has been diagnosed with a condition that affects his mobility, talk to your vet about a specialized dog cart or wheelchair for your dog. Specialized carts have been created to give your dog back some of his mobility. For instance, Eddie’s Wheels and develop carts for dogs with DM. These carts are standard rear wheel carts that are essentially used like walkers. The cart allows the dog to take his regular stride with the front legs while the cart rolls along carrying the backend. Models are available for all dog sizes and can be ordered to specifically fit your Alaskan Malamute. See details here.
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If you’re looking for a large family dog that loves being out in cold weather and enjoys spending time inside snuggling on the sofa then you may want to talk to your vet Olathe, KS about the Alaskan Malamute. The Alaskan Malamute originated in Alaska and was originally bred for hauling heavy freight as well as pulling sleds. They are still used today as sled dogs in Alaska. Although they enjoy cold weather they can also adapt to warmer weather especially if they have access to a pool or air conditioning. The Malamute is a great companion and family dog, but not recommended as a watch dog. He loves to play and requires lots of time running and exercising outdoors. The Malamute has a lifespan of around 10 years. They can grow as tall as 25 inches and weigh as much as 85 pounds. To know more, visit this website.
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Living with a Maine Coon cat that has been diagnosed with Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) can be a little intimidating, but your veterinary clinic Coon Rapids, MN staff is here to help. Talk to your vet about treatment and management options. Medications may be prescribed to decrease pain and inflammation of the joints. Physical therapy may also be ongoing to help add or enhance function to the joints. All of these treatment options are meant to help lessen the pain and suffering of your cat and make him more comfortable. Try to limit your cat’s physical activity so as not to aggravate or increase symptoms or pain. Diets that include omega fatty acids have also been recommended to reduce inflammation. Your vet may ask that you monitor your cat’s symptoms in a journal to help track changes that could indicate a necessary change in medication, dosage or even additional surgery. Click here to know more.
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Are you thinking about purchasing a corn snake? If so, then there are several things you are going to want to buy ahead of time in order to make your snake feel right at home. If you’re not sure what to buy in preparation just ask your vet Coon Rapids, MN for help. Your corn snake is going to require a few basics to start with that will most likely include a 40 gallon tank with a secure mesh top, a heat lamp, thermometer, snake safe disinfectant, water dish, food, faunarium for transport or holding of live snake food, rocks and plants for decoration, a small water area for your snake, hiding places or objects that can be used for hiding places, bedding, additional lighting if needed, and even tongs to pick up food and place it in the tank. There may be additional items that your local corn snake retailer will suggest as well. Visit the given link to know more.
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