Mouth rot is a common occurrence in snakes as well as in lizards and turtles. Your vet Coon Rapids, MN can tell you that mouth rot occurs when a snake’s immune system is unable to breakdown bacteria in the mouth. Inflammation and small hemorrhages may appear on the inside of the snake’s mouth or the edge of the mouth near the lip area. Thick amounts of mucus may also collect in the mouth. Symptoms may include open mouth breathing and even swelling. Causes of mouth rot may include poor nutrition, poorly regulated temperature in the living environment, stress, trauma, etc. Although a common condition, it is also a preventable condition. Proper diet and living enclosures are the first step towards prevention. Knowing about the snake you have purchased and how to properly care for him can make all of the difference. Most veterinarians and snake enthusiasts believe an educated owner is the best weapon for preventing mouth rot. Visit this
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A cat’s tongue is a specialized organ that is structurally different from that of dogs or humans. In addition to being an important organ for tasting, it has also prehensile functions. A cat’s tongue also possesses special barb-like structures called papillae that allow other important functions.
The papillae give the cat’s tongue a rough texture; these rough projections are made up of keratin, a protein that is also present in hairs and claws. The papillae help scrape meat off bones, as well as propel food towards the cat’s esophagus. They also make the tongue an important grooming tool for cats.
The cat’s rough tongue serves as a comb to help remove dirt, debris, and loose hair during grooming. However, loose hair can be swallowed by the cat increasing the possibility of hairball formation in the cat’s stomach that can possibly obstruct the pas
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Cats are well-known for their high standards of hygiene. They spend a good part of their waking hours grooming themselves. In addition to keeping their body clean and free from tangles, grooming promotes cooling as saliva from their hair coat evaporates. Glands on hair roots are also stimulated during grooming to produce secretions that can help preserve the waterproof quality of the hair coat.
Cats also gain psychological benefits from grooming. Thus there are cases when stressful situations cause a cat to groom excessively as he deals with anxiety or frustration. Excessive grooming triggered by stressful situations is called ‘displacement behavior’.
The behavior is often triggered by a cat’s effort to do two or more opposing behaviors at the same time. His inability to accomplish the behaviors often lead to the display of another behavior that is not in consonan
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Cats need to have adequate intake of water to ensure optimum health and nutrition. Water is a basic nutrient and it is important in almost all physiological processes of the body. Chronic mild dehydration can have a negative impact on the body, which can pave the way for serious health problems to develop.
Unlike dogs, cats need to be encouraged to drink water. Kitty parents should think of ways to make water appealing to cats by placing water bowls in easily accessible spots throughout the house.
The amount of water that a cat consumes each day will depend on several factors including the animal’s diet, size, and the prevailing environmental conditions. A cat will require more water when placed on a kibble diet because it has only about 10% water; canned pet food can have as much as 80% water.
Ask your Indianapolis, IN vet regarding
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Chinchillas need to have soft bedding to protect their sensitive feet from injury as they bounce around in their enclosure. Although there are so many bedding options which are available at the pet store, some substrates are much better compared to others.
Here are some bedding materials for pet chinchillas:
Recycled Paper
Beddings made from recycled paper are popular for their soft texture and outstanding absorbent properties. Also, they don’t produce any dust. Most pet beddings made of recycled paper come in a variety of bright colors.
Pine Shavings
These are classic bedding for small pets, but they are not considered ideal for chinchillas. They are not as absorbent and the pine oils can possibly cause respiratory problems. Wood shavings can be sharp and can result in foot injuries.
Cedar Shavings
Cedar shavings can cause respiratory and allergic problems to chinchilla
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A pet owner should be able to spot distinct signs exhibited by his cat that warrants a visit to the veterinarian. While not all problems need immediate veterinary attention, some types of illness or symptoms are considered medical emergencies.
Here are some important signs that should never be ignored and should be brought to your veterinarian’s attention as soon as possible:
- Changes in the way a cat walks. This may be due to an injury or arthritis.
- Sudden changes in your cat’s activity level can be brought about by depression, injury, or some type of illness.
- Cats normally spend a good part of their day grooming themselves. Some health problems such as arthritis can lessen a cat’s flexibility and make it painful for the animal to reach certain parts of his body. Failure to groom
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Dogs, especially those that are kept indoors, need to have their nails trimmed regularly. It is important to introduce the procedure while your pet is still a puppy so he will tolerate having his paws held and nails trimmed. Using the right tools and knowing how to use them properly will help ensure a pain-free and hassle-free nail trimming session.
These are the things you will need for your dog’s grooming needs:
Scissor-like Trimmers – Works best on dogs with small and delicate nails. These trimmers don’t have springs.
Claw-style Trimmers – These trimmers are designed with a spring and are used like scissors when cutting the dog’s nails.
Guillotine Trimmers – Depressing the spring-loaded handle will cut off the nail. The
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