Main » 2015 » September » 9 » Blanketing Your Horse
2:27 AM
Blanketing Your Horse

If you own a horse then you probably know how difficult it is to not only find the right blanket for your horse, but to also decide the appropriate time when to blanket your horse. Your vet Habersham County, GA may be able to help you out with this common dilemma. Your vet may remind you that the first rule of practice is to recognize that not every horse is the same size, the same weight, or the same body temperature. Your horse may need a blanket while a neighboring horse does not. You and your best friend may both own a Quarter Horse that stands at 15.2 hands, but one may be blanket size 72 while the other is a 78. When it comes to blanketing your horse there’s not a specific guideline to follow. You have to determine what’s right for your horse and stick with it even if someone else is doing the exact opposite. Learn more here.

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