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Making sure your bird is healthy means making sure his cage is clean. Here are some tips for making sure your bird’s cage is spotless.

Birds can be messy, which means you’ll have to plan on doing a bit of cleaning every day. The liner at the bottom of the cage should be dumped and replaced each day. You should also plan on changing out the food and cleaning out the water dish.

Perches, toys, and the cage itself should be cleaned too. However, they do not need to be cleaned as frequently as other items. Plan to soak and dry perches, toys, and accessories once a month. You will also want to scrub out the cage.

Need advice on what to use when cleaning your bird’s cage? Your vet UNCC area can provide you with professional recommendations. If you want to know more, visit this website.

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Views: 608 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 09.03.2015 | Comments (0)

Some dogs are so ugly or strange looking that they’re cute. That’s definitely the case with these dog breeds!

Most people are familiar with the Chinese Crested, but another hairless breed is the Xoloitzcuintli. This breed is a lot more hairless than the Chinese Crested, and it has bat ears and a long neck.

Dreadlocked breeds are always a surprise to visitors and passersby. The Puli is one of the most popular, but it does demand regular grooming. Another matted breed is the Bergamasco. Instead of developing long dreadlocks, this breed develops mats in small patches.

The Affenpinscher is also a strange dog breed, but it is one of the cutest. Instead of looking like a small dog, it looks a bit like a monkey!

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Views: 478 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 09.03.2015 | Comments (0)

Think a hairless cat requires less grooming than other breeds? Think again! Here is everything you need to know about grooming a hairless cat.

Although hairless cats do not need to be brushed, they do require regular baths. Hairless breeds create oil on their skin, like other cats, but because they don’t have fur to soak it all up, they can end up with clogged pores. Their skin can even make furniture in your home greasy. It’s recommended that you bathe a hairless cat once every week or two.

Hairless cats also require some of the same grooming that all other breeds do. You should keep an eye on your cat’s ears, wipe away tear duct residue, and keep your cat’s mouth clean. Because of a hairless cat’s oil situation, you may have to clean a waxy buildup off your cat’s claws.

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Views: 577 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 09.03.2015 | Comments (0)