Main » 2015 » September » 3 » Cleaning a Bird's Cage
4:56 PM
Cleaning a Bird's Cage

Making sure your bird is healthy means making sure his cage is clean. Here are some tips for making sure your bird’s cage is spotless.

Birds can be messy, which means you’ll have to plan on doing a bit of cleaning every day. The liner at the bottom of the cage should be dumped and replaced each day. You should also plan on changing out the food and cleaning out the water dish.

Perches, toys, and the cage itself should be cleaned too. However, they do not need to be cleaned as frequently as other items. Plan to soak and dry perches, toys, and accessories once a month. You will also want to scrub out the cage.

Need advice on what to use when cleaning your bird’s cage? Your vet UNCC area can provide you with professional recommendations. If you want to know more, visit this website.

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