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Some breeds of rabbits are more suitable to being house pets than others. These adorable creatures can be housetrained and can even be taught simple commands such as coming when called.

Continental Giant

Continental Giants can weigh up to 30 lbs, so make sure your house is spacious enough to accommodate your massive pet. These gentle giants make great pets for children because of their calm temperament. However, all children need to be supervised when playing or handling any breed of rabbit to prevent injury and display of aggressive behavior.

Alaska Rabbit

Alaska rabbits are very gentle, but they thrive with lots of play and interaction. They have soft, silky fur; in fact, they are known to have one of the softest coats among rabbit breeds.

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Views: 426 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)

Your veterinarian Olathe, KS will probably tell you that part of keeping your Quarter Horse well groomed includes making sure his hooves are clear of dirt, manure, bedding, soil, rocks, and other irritants that can be trapped on the sole of the hoof. If you’re not sure how to keep your horse’s hooves clean, talk with your vet. Your vet may also be able to direct you to a farriar or hoof trimmer should you not already have one. The first thing you will need to do is make sure your horse is calm and standing tied on cross ties. You will need a hoof pick to proceed. Standing next to your horse, gently ask your horse to lift his hoof. You will then use the hoof pick to pick out the dirt, etc. from the frog or the V triangular wedge on the underside of the hoof. Use the brush on the pick to brush the hoof clean. Visit this link to know more.

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Views: 430 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)

If you have owned your poodle for some time then you may have experienced her having a seizure. Whether you are experienced with canine seizures or not, your veterinarian Olathe, KS can give you tips and instructions for ways to assist your dog during a seizure. First, call your vet. Second, stand clear of your dog so you don’t get hurt. If possible, move your dog away from any stairs or sharp objects such as furniture. Your dog is not in danger of swallowing her tongue as this is not a typical reaction for dogs. After the seizure, watch your dog to make sure she recovers. This may take a long time so don’t panic. Allow your dog to hear your voice and feel your touch so that she can be reassured and calmed down. Be sure to record when the seizure occurred and how long it lasted so you can give an accurate account to your vet.

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Views: 541 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)

Mice make great pets, but where that mouse comes from is important. Can you catch a mouse and keep it as a pet?

Wild mice do not make good pets. Socialization is extremely important, and young wild mice don’t get any positive exposure to humans. If you catch a mouse and try to keep him as a pet, you probably won’t ever be able to hold him without wearing gloves. Plus, he’ll probably be miserable living in a small cage.

Pet mice are actually bred specifically to provide companionship to humans. This is also why you should avoid the feeder mice at the pet store. Although they are more comfortable being handled than wild mice, they probably aren’t very healthy.

For help finding a healthy, well-socialized mouse to keep as a pet, click here, or visit with your veterinarian Vancouver, BC.

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Views: 792 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)

Owning more than one cat can have a lot of benefits, but it also poses quite a few challenges.

First, it’s important to understand that owning more than one cat costs more. Even just one extra cat means purchasing more litter and food in the long run. In addition, you’ll have to pay for each cat to have an annual checkup with your veterinarian Vancouver, BC.

Things may get a bit more hectic around your house too. If one of the cats is older, they may not get along right away. Even if they get along, they may never learn to like each other, which can make some pet parents sad.

Your chances of getting woken up in the middle of the night, or waking up to a mess in the morning, increases with every cat you have too! To learn more, visit this link.

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Views: 491 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)

Taking care of fleas can be a real challenge, especially with so many products to choose from. Here are a few of the most popular products on the market.

Topical flea control products are definitely the most popular because they are extremely effective and easy to use. All you have to do is apply it directly to the skin and your pet will enjoy flea protection all month long.

If you’re looking for something a bit more short term and affordable, flea collars are also an option. If your dog already has fleas, you can give flea powder a try. You can also get rid of fleas fairly quickly with a flea shampoo.

Natural flea control options that use lavender essential oil and apple cider vinegar can be effective. To learn more about your flea control options, call your veterinarian Vancouver, BC.

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Views: 480 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)

In most cases, loss of appetite in dogs or an unwillingness to eat is often a short-term effect of specific physical issues, such as health problems, medications, and when they are feeling “under the weather”. On the other hand, psychological anorexia in dogs is much more complex. In fact, the issue is not fully understood and there are various paths in addressing the problem.

In people, psychological anorexia is often related to the person’s perception of his body; however, the problem in dogs has a wide range of psychological causes that can lead to anorexia. Some of the important triggers which have been identified include:

  • Stress
  • Discomfort
  • Nervousness
  • Behavioral problems
  • Boredom
  • Grief
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • History of abuse
  • A strong dislike for the food offered
  • The dog is not familiar with the food being offered

Keep your pet healt ... Read more »

Views: 514 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.17.2015 | Comments (0)