Your veterinary clinic North Phoenix, AZ may recommend that you have at least one litter box per cat in your home. If you own one Burmese cat then one litter box should suffice. However, you may also want to have an extra litter box for back-up as well. If you own more than one Burmese cat then you may run into trouble when it comes to sharing a litter box. For instance, if your cat is spraying the area around his litter box, leaving urine or poop uncovered in the litter box, or even leaving a mess outside of the litter box then he may be trying to tell you something. Talk to your vet about your cat’s behavior. If your vet determines your cat’s behavior is not related to anything medical then try setting out an extra litter box to see if that solves the problem.
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Your veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ can tell you that Albino ferrets tend to be mischievous characters that love exploring and getting into trouble. Due to their size and insatiable curiosity, ferrets often find themselves in predicaments that leave them injured. It’s very common for ferrets to have damage to their eyes from fighting with other ferrets or getting into fights with cats. If you notice your Albino ferret’s eyes are irritated or injured then call your vet. Ferrets are susceptible to various eye conditions including cataracts. Although cataract removal surgery is available for ferrets, most owners turn down the operation due to health risks for the ferret and cost of surgery. Glaucoma is also common in ferrets. The disease can cause blindness in ferrets and usually affects both eyes. It is not known if glaucoma is genetic. Ferrets with glaucoma tend to lose their vision at a slower rate than
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If you own a Box turtle or have been around turtles for a time then you may be aware of a condition known as necrotic stomatitis or “mouth rot”. Your veterinarian Scottsdale, AZ has most likely treated several cases of mouth rot in turtles, lizards and even snakes. Most cases of mouth rot occur as a result of another illness or as a result of trauma, stress, environment, and even poor nutrition. Treatment for mouth rot will typically begin when your vet determines the reason behind the infection. For instance, if the cause is due to poor nutrition or poor environment then your vet may suggest a change in diet plus an adjustment to the living environment (i.e. warming or cooling the temperature). This will help your turtle heal. The lesions or hemorrhages in the mouth will usually be treated, any abscesses will be drained, and the area will be flushed with an antiseptic. To learn more, visit this website.<
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Did you know that diabetes in British Shorthair cat as well as other cat breeds may cause additional diabetic related illnesses? Your vet Wake Forest, NC can tell you that generally feline diabetes occurs when a cat’s body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in a cat’s pancreas and is in charge of regulating the flow of glucose from the bloodstream into the body’s cells. When there isn’t enough insulin the cat’s body starts breaking reserves which leads to high blood sugar. Cats diagnosed with diabetes will typically face an increased chance of developing other conditions. Research has shown that diabetic cats are at an increased risk of developing heart failure. Studies show this to be the case especially in cats that have gone undiagnosed with diabetes and therefore untreated. The best treatment for a diabetic or non-diabetic cat is to ensure a healthy diet, exercise, and weight.
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Diabetes can be a dangerous illness if it is not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. If you suspect your British Shorthair cat may have diabetes, call your vet Wake Forest, NC to discuss concerns and schedule an exam. Your vet can tell you about feline diabetes and things to watch for. Generally, the disease occurs when a cat’s body doesn’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t use the insulin correctly. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in a cat’s pancreas and is in charge of regulating the flow of glucose from the bloodstream into the body’s cells. When there isn’t enough insulin then the cat’s body starts breaking down fat and protein as alternative energy sources. An exact cause for feline diabetes is not known. However, various hormonal diseases such as obesity, chronic pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s disease has been linked to feline diabetes. In a
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