Main » 2015 » November » 17 » How to Pick Your Quarter Horse's Hooves
12:04 PM
How to Pick Your Quarter Horse's Hooves

Your veterinarian Olathe, KS will probably tell you that part of keeping your Quarter Horse well groomed includes making sure his hooves are clear of dirt, manure, bedding, soil, rocks, and other irritants that can be trapped on the sole of the hoof. If you’re not sure how to keep your horse’s hooves clean, talk with your vet. Your vet may also be able to direct you to a farriar or hoof trimmer should you not already have one. The first thing you will need to do is make sure your horse is calm and standing tied on cross ties. You will need a hoof pick to proceed. Standing next to your horse, gently ask your horse to lift his hoof. You will then use the hoof pick to pick out the dirt, etc. from the frog or the V triangular wedge on the underside of the hoof. Use the brush on the pick to brush the hoof clean. Visit this link to know more.

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