Main » 2015 » October » 29 » Leash Training Your Pet Cat
4:27 AM
Leash Training Your Pet Cat

Cats benefit from spending time outdoors. To ensure their comfort and safety during these excursions, it is best to keep them on a leash and harness. Potential risks abound outdoors and a leash enables you to have full control of your pet’s movements.

A cat should get used to wearing a harness and leash while still indoors. They should be comfortable wearing the harness before heading outdoors. They won’t be able to enjoy their walks if they are bothered by their harness or collar.

Once your kitty does not object to wearing the harness, take him to an enclosed area in your yard, making sure that there is nothing to distract him. The first taste of the outdoors can be overwhelming for your kitty so make it a positive experience with lots of his favorite treats. Don’t ever leave your pet even for a second for this can make him nervous.

An indoor pet can still suffer from potential health problems thus regular checkups at your Floyds Knob, IN animal hospital is recommended. Click here for more information.

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