Main » 2015 » September » 23 » Cats Need Adequate Water Intake
8:56 AM
Cats Need Adequate Water Intake

Cats need to have adequate intake of water to ensure optimum health and nutrition. Water is a basic nutrient and it is important in almost all physiological processes of the body. Chronic mild dehydration can have a negative impact on the body, which can pave the way for serious health problems to develop. 

Unlike dogs, cats need to be encouraged to drink water. Kitty parents should think of ways to make water appealing to cats by placing water bowls in easily accessible spots throughout the house.

The amount of water that a cat consumes each day will depend on several factors including the animal’s diet, size, and the prevailing environmental conditions. A cat will require more water when placed on a kibble diet because it has only about 10% water; canned pet food can have as much as 80% water.

Ask your Indianapolis, IN vet regarding important pet issues. You can get more pet care information here.

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