Main » 2014 » May » 28

Your Siberian husky does not need his ears cleaned frequently. You can clean his ear once a month unless you see a lot of dirt in his ear. You don’t need to bring your pet to the groomers since you can easily clean your husky’s ears at home. You will only need some cotton balls, mineral oil or ear cleaning solution for dogs, and your dog’s collar and leash.

Here are the steps to cleaning your dog’s ears:

1. Soak the cotton ball in mineral oil or ear cleaning solution.

2. Start cleaning the inside part of the outer ear.

3. Slowly dip the cotton ball inside your pet’s inner ear and gently swab the interior to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated. Avoid going too far into the ear for this can damage your pet’s tender skin, and even worst, his hearing. Don’t force th ... Read more »

Views: 528 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.28.2014 | Comments (0)

As your cat turns 13-14 years old, he is now classified as a senior cat. As your cat ages, he will experience physical, mental, and physiological changes that will require some form of special care from you, so he will be more comfortable. In order to be able to provide for his needs suitably, you should learn to watch out for tell-tale signs of the ageing process.

Some of the distinct physical signs that are manifested by a senior cat include poor hearing, thinning hair, decreased vision, lesser endurance and increased risk of dental and health problems.

Caring for a senior cat can be a challenge for many pet owners. However, when you know what are dealing with, caring for your pet and providing for his needs will be much easier.

Any changes in your senior pet’s behavior or routine should prompt a consultation with your veterinarian Indianapo ... Read more »

Views: 545 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.28.2014 | Comments (0)