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A pet goose will require fresh, unmedicated duck pellets each day. Search for a high quality brand that your goose will benefit from. Apart from duck pellets, it will also need unmedicated poultry scratch. What is scratch? It is essentially a combination of a variety of seeds, cracked corn, wheat, and millet. Purchase this in small portions so that it stays fresh. Store the food in a cool, dry and dark area. Do not feed your goose chicken feed as it is usually medicated.

Your pet goose should also be provided with fresh water. Position it next to its food bowl so that it can drink as it eats. Don’t allow food to rot or get old as this can pose as a health risk to your birds. 

For more info on what to feed your pet goose, visit vets Treasure Coast. Click here.

Views: 464 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.15.2014 | Comments (0)

The betta is also known as the Siamese fighting fish. Gorgeous in colour, it is one of the most popular fish species kept as pets in households around the world.

Originally from the waters of Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, now it is virtually everywhere. Bettas are known for their naturally aggressive nature hence the term “fighting fish”.

Bettas can grow up to 2.6 inches long and are renowned for their beautiful and deep colours. The betta is truly a sight to behold in the water as their fins appear to be flowing when they swim.

Bettas are carnivores although they sometimes partake of vegetable matter. If a male is interested in a female, it will begin twisting its body and spreading its fins. The female will then become darker  and begin curving her body back and forth. Mating then occurs shortly thereafter.

Visit a vet Kenosha. See here.

Views: 460 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.15.2014 | Comments (0)

Just to be perfectly clear, breeding goldfish won’t be an easy feat. Livebearers in general are far easier to breed in captivity as opposed to egg-layers like goldfish.

Apart from a large amount of space, a nutritious diet, and excellent water conditions, you will of course need a male and a female goldfish. Consider as well whether you have sufficient space to house the future offspring of your goldfish. You will need a 10- to 20-gallon fry tank, a heater, plants, a sponge filter, and an air pump.

Ensure that your male and female goldfish are sexually mature. Goldfish need to be at least a year old in order to be accurately sexed. Having more males than females in a tank will increase your chances of seeing offspring. However, if you have insufficient space, one pair of goldfish is OK.

Visit a vet Montgomery County. See here.

Views: 477 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.15.2014 | Comments (0)