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Snakes are fascinating reptiles to keep as pets. However, there are pet owners who are put off because they have heard that snakes need to be given live food. While snakes eat anything in their native habitats, those that are kept as pets don’t need to be fed live animals in order to thrive and be healthy.

The basic diet of most pet snakes includes dead mice and rats, both of which can already sufficiently provide for their basic nutritional needs. However, some snake species have specialized dietary needs; some will need to be fed pre-killed chicks or other types of specialist food. Feeding live prey to pet snakes is not highly recommended because there have been reports of snakes being bitten by live prey that is placed in their cages. Serious injury can possibly lead to infection.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs by visiting your ... Read more »

Views: 441 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.10.2016 | Comments (0)

Even if dogs have been man’s best friend for a very long, long time, there are still canine behaviors that continue to confuse and baffle pet owners. One of these strange behaviors is their love affair with stinky things and their delight in rolling on anything that stinks or has a strange smell. After rolling or rubbing themselves with the smelly objects, they eventually go back running to their owners to share their ‘stinky’ experience. Naturally, owners are not amused by their dog’s behavior.

So why does your dog love to engage in such unpleasant behavior? Their instinct to disguise their own smell is still very strong. In the wild, their ancestors roll around in strange-smelling objects so their enemies won’t be able to smell them and detect their presence. Also, it is something that their ancestors would do so their prey won’t be able to smell them, giving them a better chance ... Read more »

Views: 478 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.10.2016 | Comments (0)

Although there are tons of information about cats that are backed by scientific explanations, there are still myths about these adorable pets that continue to exist and make the rounds of pet owners. It’s time to bust two of these cat myths.

Myth: Cats are able to keep themselves entertained

Domestication has caused cats to be completely dependent on their owners for their basic needs. In addition to a nutritionally balanced diet, shelter, and veterinary care and attention, cats need adequate physical and mental stimulation as well as regular interaction. They thrive with lots of play time and getting lots of cuddles from their humans.  

Since cats tend to be active at dawn, play with your cat in the evening before bedtime so he will be tired enough to sleep until the morning.

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Views: 456 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.10.2016 | Comments (0)

Guinea pigs generally live five to seven years but some live much longer. Keeping your guinea in a healthy environment will help your guinea pig live longer. Anything you do to put your pig in a weakened state will show in longevity. Feed your pig a nutritionally complete diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, timothy hay and fruit. Choose the same time each day for best digestive health. Keep fresh, clean water available at all times. Spot clean the cage daily and do a thorough cleaning weekly. Keep your pig warm and away from drafts. Handle your guinea pig carefully and don’t ever drop him. Guinea pigs are very social animals so play with your pig and let him get some exercise every day. With plenty of love and kindness and care, you can give your guinea pig the best chance for a long life. Learn more from your Atlanta, GA veterinarian.

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Views: 418 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.10.2016 | Comments (0)

Your puppy socializes with his mother and littermates to learn how to behave as a dog. You need to socialize your puppy so he learns how to live in your household and get accustomed to other dogs, new places and new people. Start socializing your dog when you first bring him home. Introduce your puppy to new household members including other pets slowly and in a controlled situation. Handle your puppy with care and a loving touch. Talk to him gently. Keep loud noises to a minimum but slowly reintroduce normal household routines as your puppy adjusts. Take your puppy on walks to meet other dogs and people but follow your dog’s lead. If he is feeling shy, don’t force the issue. Practice taking rides in the car going to the park and other neighborhood areas. Don’t push too hard but also don’t reward nervous behavior. Learn more from your Atlanta, GA veterinary clinic.

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Views: 443 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.10.2016 | Comments (0)