Main » 2015 » October » 8 » Your Pet Hedgehog's Quills
10:29 AM
Your Pet Hedgehog's Quills

A large portion of the body of a hedgehog is covered by quills. These spiny projections also fall out in a process called ‘quilling’. Shedding occurs in baby and juvenile hedgehogs. The first quilling usually takes place at about 2 months old. The hedgehog loses its finer quills and grows thicker and longer ones.

The second quilling takes place at about 4 months of age. This is quite different from the first because new and larger quills have to push through the holes of the old quills. This is quite uncomfortable for the hedgehog; it is like teething in small children and puppies. The discomfort and pain may lead to behavior changes during quilling time. 

Quilling is a physiological process and will continue to occur regularly throughout a hedgehog’s life.

You should bring your hedgehog to your Merrillville, IN animal hospital if he loses a large amount of quills at a given time once he is an adult. Visit this website for more pet care info.

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