Main » 2016 » November » 14 » Your Dog’s Whiskers
9:39 PM
Your Dog’s Whiskers

hiskers (also called “vibrissae”) are extremely sensitive sensory hairs that serve important functions to help dogs become more aware of their immediate environment. They are found on the sides of the dog’s muzzle, on the forehead, upper lip, and on the chin. Compared to regular dog hair, whiskers are thicker and coarser. Their roots are deeper and filled with blood vessels and nerves. Like hairs, whiskers also fall off as a part of the normal shedding process. While they will grow back, you should never try pulling off a whisker. There are groomers who want to trim your dog’s whiskers, but it is not a good idea to do so because it can significantly “handicap” your dog, making it difficult for him to “feel” what’s going on around his face, and it will significantly affect your pet’s self-confidence. Also, whiskers are extremely sensitive, and pulling on one will certainly cause your pet some discomfort and stress. Don’t hesitate to call your Mattoon, IL, veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health or behavior. Click here to know more details.

Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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