Main » 2016 » November » 8 » Will Your Cat Hunt a Mouse in Your Home?
8:25 PM
Will Your Cat Hunt a Mouse in Your Home?

Most people adopt a cat as a companion animal, but that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t like a little help around the house every once in a while! Will your cat hunt a mouse that has taken up residence in your home?

The answer depends on your particular cat. Felines are natural hunters, so your pet definitely has that instinct. However, if he’s fed well on a daily basis, he may not feel the need to hunt down an animal in order to eat it. Instead, he may be more interested in playing with it, like he would a toy.

If you have a rodent in your home, it’s a good idea to try and trap it for release. If your cat does end up catching and eating that mouse, it could make him sick. To learn more, click here, or call your veterinary clinic Racine, WI.

Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: cat care tips | Rating: 0.0/0
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