Main » 2017 » July » 17 » Will my Pomeranian like the Ocean?
1:03 PM
Will my Pomeranian like the Ocean?

You won’t know if your Pomeranian likes the ocean until you allow him to experience it, but make sure you introduce him slowly. If you want, try taking your pup to a dog friendly beach and see how he reacts to the water and the waves rushing in and out. If he’s scared, pull him back a safe distance and just let him watch and see what happens. Don’t rush him into liking the waves just let him take his time exploring. A dog’s breeding can often play a part in whether or not he adapts to the ocean or not. Some dogs like retrievers or even Newfoundland’s have a natural love for water, wave chasing, and beach life. This doesn’t mean your Pomeranian won’t love the ocean, but he may need more time acclimating to it. Talk with your veterinarian services Naperville, IL to learn more ways to introduce your pup to ocean life.

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