Main » 2015 » October » 7 » Why your pets crave routine
12:16 PM
Why your pets crave routine

Your pets are around you a lot and are able to get to know you and your habits quite well. They seem to thrive when you stick to your normal routine, and flounder a bit when things get turned upside down. Why is this?

Your pets like routine because it allows them to determine what will come next throughout the day. This ability to anticipate activities and tasks allows them the piece of mind in knowing that their needs will be met in a timely fashion. Because your pets can’t ask you directly how long it will take before dinner time comes around, a routine lets them know that it will be sooner rather than later. This knowledge lets them rest easier in knowing they are well cared for. Your local Grand Junction, CO vet can help you establish a routine for your pet. Or pay a visit to this website Redlands Pet Clinic and set an appointment.

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