Main » 2016 » March » 22 » Why Your Cat Refuses to Bury His Waste
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Why Your Cat Refuses to Bury His Waste

Some felines have very strange litter box habits. If your cat doesn’t bury his waste, you should first be thankful that he’s using his litter box at all! Then, you may want to take some time to try and understand why your cat is engaging in this inconvenient behavior.

In some cases, your cat simply didn’t get the training he needed when he was a kitten. If his mother or his siblings didn’t spend time showing him how to bury his waste, he may decide it isn’t a problem to leave it on top of the litter.

Some cats don’t bury their waste to leave you a message. If your cat is normally very good at burying his waste, but he suddenly stops, it could be because you need to scoop the litter box.

To make sure there isn’t a medical reason for your cat’s behavior, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA.

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