Main » 2015 » November » 21 » Why Rats Aren't as Gross as You Think
6:38 AM
Why Rats Aren't as Gross as You Think

There are lots of pocket pets to choose from. Hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs can all be found at your local pet store. Rats are often overlooked because they have a bad rap. However, rats aren’t as gross as you think!

When most people think of rats, they think of wild rats that live in the sewers. This conjures up images of dirty animals, but the fact is, rats aren’t dirty at all! They are actually extremely good and cleaning themselves, so they don’t require too many baths.

People also assume that rats are mean and scary, especially since they have those big front teeth. The fact is, rats are one of the friendliest pocket pets! They are less likely to bite than other pets, like hamsters or rabbits.

To learn more about keeping a rat as a pet, contact your veterinarian Orangeville, CA.

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