Main » 2017 » October » 8 » Why Guinea Pigs Need Vitamin C Supplementation
11:37 AM
Why Guinea Pigs Need Vitamin C Supplementation

Guinea pigs cannot make vitamin C in their body thus they depend on external sources to satisfy their requirements for the nutrient. One of the best sources of vitamin C for cavies is yogurt drops that have been fortified with vitamin C. They will benefit from daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables because these are also rich sources of vitamin C. When it comes to vitamin C,  it is best to find the freshest sources that are available.

Many guinea pig pellets are specially formulated with vitamin C. When buying pellets, avoid getting those which have been placed in a bulk bin; take note that vitamin can rapidly deteriorate and you can’t be too sure how long the pellets have been there and what the product has been exposed to.

The needs of guinea pigs are relatively simple and can easily be met even by newbie owners. Bring your guinea pig to your Thorold, ON veterinary clinic for regular wellness checks.

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