Main » 2016 » November » 24 » Why Cats Should Not Be Given Table Scraps
6:50 PM
Why Cats Should Not Be Given Table Scraps

Many pet owners are already aware that table scraps are not good for their pets; but since they cannot resist their pet’s persistent meowing at the dinner table, they eventually give in and give them something from their plates. But human food can be harmful to cats, and your pet could become very ill which could eventually mean dealing with veterinary bills.

Many human foods are high in fat, and cats can suffer from serious digestive upsets when they eat certain human foods. Their digestive system is extremely delicate and is unable to efficiently digest and metabolize foods with high fat content. In very rare instances, cats can die from acute pancreatitis as a result of eating fatty foods. Acute pancreatitis can make your cat very ill. You should seek prompt veterinary attention immediately.

Your best veterinarians Scottsdale, AZ can further enlighten you about your pet’s diet and nutritional requirements.

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