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6:58 AM
Why Cats Groom Each Other

Grooming is an innate behavior in cats. They make a habit of engaging in the behavior on a daily basis; they groom themselves as well as other cats that are familiar to them. A cat’s tongue is made for grooming. It has hook-like ridges (papillae) that make it easy to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair. They also run their claws through their hair like a brush or comb. They also instinctively know which parts of their body need extra work and spend more time grooming these spots.

Unlike what many people think, cats are actually social creatures. They may not have the same social graces as dogs, but this doesn’t mean they are not socially-inclined. Cats just differ in the way they interact with other cats.

The ancestors of domestic cats were used to hunting alone; but they eventually return to their clan where a social relationship exists. When cats are comfortable with each other, they play and interact regularly; they even groom each other. You should talk to your vet South Oklahoma City, OK if you notice any change in your cat’s grooming habits and/or behavior.

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