Main » 2014 » June » 18 » When a Dog Eats Grass…
8:11 PM
When a Dog Eats Grass…

No, your dog is not learning how to do this from cows…it’s a natural instinct shared by many animals. Cows are just more known for doing it because they are most often seen doing this.

Dogs ‘graze’ because they use the grass as roughage to help them defecate. The grass helps them move their stool along through their body. It’s almost like nature’s Metamucil.

All animals do this for this purpose, but certain animals, such as cows and such, actually use it as a food source, whereas dogs get assistance with their bowels.

Cats also do this for the same reasons, but an additional reason is that it helps them cough up fur balls as well.

So if you see your dog eating ample amounts of grass, do not be overly worried. Only be worried if your dog is eating nothing but grass.

For more info, go here to the website for the veterinary clinic Diamond Bar.

vet Phillps Ranch

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