Main » 2014 » June » 19

It may be worth a laugh or two to see your cat sitting there, and its tongue is sticking out from its mouth.

Funny thing is, sometimes cats don’t even realize that their tongue is hanging out. They think it’s firmly planted in its mouth.

Cats use their tongues to detect subtle changes in their environments, and if your cat is in a very relaxed state, sometimes a cat’s tongue comes lolling out of its mouth and stays there.

Don’t try to go and pull out your cat’s tongue and stretch it to get a laugh. If your cat’s aware of it, it won’t like it, just as much as you wouldn’t like having your tongue pulled out of your head.

Cats are usually docile, but don’t do things that upset them.

For more information regarding these aspects of cats, follow this link to the website for the veterinary clinic Greenville.

vet Simpsonville ... Read more »

Views: 445 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.19.2014 | Comments (0)

You feel that your child has reached an age where teaching responsibility is now important.

There is no better way to teach a child how to be responsible then to have them care for a pet, which you should involve them in the choosing of the pet, naming the pet and the daily care & routine of that pet.

Some children thrive and do well with having a pet to care for, and some children can get bored and begin to struggle against having to take care of something every single day, but the outcome is positive either way.

Caring for a pet shows a child how to be compassionate, how to stick to a feeding schedule and helping in the grooming of the pet. Playing with the pet is the fun part, or taking it for a walk … but the daily “work” of owning a pet is the real test of a child’s ability to cope with responsibility. If you want to know more about how to bring a pet into your child’s life, follow ... Read more »

Views: 459 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.19.2014 | Comments (0)