Main » 2014 » July » 9 » What Makes Sugar Gliders Special?
11:55 PM
What Makes Sugar Gliders Special?

Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps) belong to a species of small marsupials. These tree dwellers possess a fur or membrane that extends between the wrist and ankle, known as a ‘patagium’.  The patagium enables them to float in the air when they spread their hands and feet.

Another distinct feature of Sugar Gliders is the big toes on their hind feet, which help them, have a stronger grip on tree branches. Their big toes also help them glide and climb trees.

Sugar Gliders are exceptionally adorable, social creatures. They love being around people and get along well with their owners, making them ideal pets for families.

If you are out of the house most of the day, it is best to get another Sugar Glider to provide your pet with good company. This will also prevent your pet from becoming bored.

Unlike most pets, Gliders need a specific area of the house designated for their cage. They are unable to easily adjust anywhere in the house. They also need a spacious area where they will be comfortable and secure.

Know more about how to take care of your Sugar Glider’s needs by visiting your North Park vet. Go to the website of Best Friends Veterinary Center to find out more.

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