Main » 2014 » July » 08

By nature, cats are highly territorial and can find moving to a new house a very stressful experience.  However, there are a few methods you can carry out to lessen your feline pet’s stress and guarantee a smooth transition between homes.

Transport your cat in a suitable carrier with his favorite blanket so he will have something familiar with him. If your cat displays distress or anxiety while traveling, he may not be in the best mood when you reach your new home. Don’t release him from his cage once you arrive. Wait until everything and everyone has settled down. Make sure that all doors and windows are close and other escape routes, such as fireplaces, are covered.

It is a good idea to keep your pet in a room for a couple of days to give him time to adjust and explore the new environment. Put a comfortable bed, his old blanket and toys, litter tray, food and water bowls inside the room. Upon releasing your cat from his carrier, sit quietly wi ... Read more »

Views: 456 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.08.2014 | Comments (0)

Worms and fleas. Your exotic cats’ worst nightmares.

However, trying to administer preventive medications can be difficult, as you have likely discovered the hard way.

Your exotic cat is highly unlike a regular, domesticated house kitty…its sharp senses can detect very quickly that you are about to administer it medications.

You may be thinking; “But how could they possibly know?”

Exotic cats have even sharper senses than normal cats. They can quickly ascertain if you are feeling anxious or “different” when you are approaching them.

That happens to be the first clue. The second clue is that you’re holding something other than food.

Try to think of clever and creative ways to administer the shots. If it is too much for you to handle, get a veterinarian to do it instead.

You will be able to find out more by using the link to the website for the vet Pelha ... Read more »

Views: 463 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.08.2014 | Comments (0)