Main » 2016 » March » 3 » Walking Your Dog on a Slack Leash
4:31 AM
Walking Your Dog on a Slack Leash

It’s easy to get excited on a walk. However, it’s not much fun for you to get dragged around the neighborhood by your dog. If your dog has this habit, have him sit for a while on the leash so he calms down a bit. Start walking and if your dog gets the leash taut, turn around quickly and start rushing off in another direction. This will cause your dog to hurry to follow you and the leash will be slack. Offer ample praise as long as the leash is slack. If your dog runs past you and it looks like he will soon be at the end of the leash, turn around again. Never pull the leash back to show dominance or punish your dog. Practice frequently and soon your dog will be walking along with you. For more information, contact your Mobile, AL veterinarian.

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