Main » 2016 » March » 9 » Walking With Your Dog
2:05 AM
Walking With Your Dog

Enjoying the great outdoors with your dog are excellent occasions to spend quality time and bond with your canine buddy. The different experiences as well as diverse sights, sounds, and scents will give your pet loads of opportunities for physical and mental motivation.

Before taking your dog on walks, make sure he knows how to walk on a leash and can consistently respond and follow important commands. A dog that has not been properly leash-trained can pull his owner in all directions and will hardly heed a command to walk by his owner’s side.

While there are many places that allow dogs to be without their leash, keeping your dog on a leash will enable you to keep a tight rein on his movements and prevent him from running into potential risks.

Work with your Guelph, ON veterinarian to make sure that your pet is receiving the right amount of exercise that he needs to stay fit and healthy. Learn more here.

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