Main » 2015 » October » 22 » Vegetarian Cats May End Up Lacking Essential Nutrients
2:19 AM
Vegetarian Cats May End Up Lacking Essential Nutrients

Cats are true carnivores and without meat in their diet they won’t be able to have essential nutrients which are important to their health and wellbeing. Felines are unlike humans and dogs which are omnivores, which thrivse with a diet that is composed of both plants and meat sources.

Cats are unable to synthesize taurine in their bodies, thus they need to have adequate intake of the nutrient from meat in their daily diet. Good quality meat will help ensure adequate intakes of taurine and other essential nutrients.

Pet owners should realize that cats are unable to thrive when given food formulated for dogs. They differ in their nutritional needs, with cats being quite inflexible when it comes to the components of their ration. Dog food also contains higher amounts of carbohydrates than cat food.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs by visiting your San Jose, CA veterinarian. Check out this website.

Views: 438 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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