Main » 2017 » July » 14 » UTI Infections in Yorkies
2:51 PM
UTI Infections in Yorkies

Did you know that UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections can occur in animals as well as people? If you own a small dog like the Yorkie, make sure he drinks water regularly to keep his system healthy and hydrated. If you’re concerned about a UTI ask your vet for ways to prevent one and for signs to look out for. For instance, symptoms may include your pup’s inability to urinate or cause him to pass small amounts at a time. You may also see blood in the urine, leaking of urine, or he may have increased water consumption. A fever may also be present. If your Yorkie has any of these symptoms, notify your vet and schedule an appointment. Possible treatment may include antibiotics, diet change or surgery in extreme cases. For more information about UTIs, treatment and long term care, consult your vet Hamilton County, IN.

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