Main » 2016 » September » 27 » Trimming your dog’s nails
1:09 PM
Trimming your dog’s nails

Your dog needs you to care for him in a variety of different ways, and trimming his nails regularly is one of them. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is an easy task. How can you make sure this gets done?

First, decide if you will be trimming your pet’s nails or if his groomer will be doing so. If his groomer will take on the task, make sure the individual is comfortable and knowledgeable about doing so. If you would like to do so, talk to your dog’s vet about learning how to trim them safely. Utilize only devices designed for canine use and take the time to watch exactly how the vet recommends clipping them. Keep an eye on the positioning of your hands and your pet, and the length of nail you are trying to achieve. Your local Montgomery County, TX vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today.

Views: 496 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Montgomery County TX | Rating: 5.0/1
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