Main » 2016 » September » 1 » Trimming the Nail too Close in Chow Chow Dogs
5:45 PM
Trimming the Nail too Close in Chow Chow Dogs

If your Chow Chow needs his nails trimmed make sure you’re careful and that you don’t trim the nails too close as they may bleed. If you aren’t familiar with how to stop the bleeding call your veterinarian immediately. Continued bleeding can cause harm to your pet. Even professional groomers have accidentally cut the nail too short and have cut into the quick; a part of the nail in which a blood vein runs through. Immediately compress the wound for at least two minutes with a clean cloth. Use styptic powder which is available at most pet stores and pharmacies. The powder may sting a bit so be prepared to hold the dog firmly. A mix of corn starch and baking soda may also work. Continue to compress the wound after the bleeding stops. If possible, keep the dog off his feet for at least 30 minutes. For more information, call your veterinary clinic Crown Point, IN. 

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