Main » 2015 » November » 10 » Treatment of Epilepsy in Golden Retriever
7:57 AM
Treatment of Epilepsy in Golden Retriever

Canine epilepsy is when a dog is overcome with sudden or periodic seizures. If you suspect your Golden Retriever is suffering from seizures, call your veterinary clinic Marlboro, NJ. Like human seizures, canine seizures are believed to be related to the miscommunication of neurons in the cerebrum of the brain. The cause for these miscommunications;  however, is unknown. Once your vet has diagnosed your dog’s epilepsy through a variety of tests and scans, he will be able to prescribe a treatment plan. For instance, if an underlying cause is determined then the cause will be treated. It is important to note that treatment for epilepsy is not a cure. Treatment is given in hopes of decreasing the frequency, severity, and duration of the seizures in your dog. Medications used to do this will be given orally until a combination dose that’s right for your dog is found. More information here.

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