Main » 2016 » March » 26 » Treatment Complications in Diabetic Persians
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Treatment Complications in Diabetic Persians

Has your Persian cat been diagnosed with feline diabetes? If so, talk to our vet about treatment options, medications available, and long-term care options. Treatment will start with your vet determining if your Persian will need insulin injections or oral medications. Finding the right dosage of either medication can be a process. In some cases there can be complications resulting from treatment of diabetes. For instance, if an overdose of insulin is given then a cat may develop Hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar. This is a dangerous complication which may include signs of weakness, listlessness, lack of coordination, convulsions and even coma. The condition can be fatal if not treated. If your Persian is on insulin and has these symptoms, call your vet right away. He may suggest offering your Persian cat food immediately and then bringing her in. Always follow the instructions from your vet Imperial Beach, CA when administering alternative treatment. To learn more, click here.

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