Main » 2015 » September » 22 » Treating Mouth Rot in Snakes
2:14 PM
Treating Mouth Rot in Snakes

Your vet Savannah, GA can tell you that mouth rot is fairly common in reptiles including snakes as well as lizards and turtles. If your snake has been diagnosed with mouth rot, ask your vet about a treatment plan. In general, treatment may begin with determining the primary cause of the infection. Most mouth rot cases are a secondary illness and occur as a result of trauma, environment, poor nutrition, etc. The primary cause will be treated first to prevent further infection. If the cause is due to poor nutrition or poor environment then your vet will suggest a change in diet and feeding routine plus an adjustment to the living environment (i.e. warming or cooling the temperature). This will help your snake heal. The lesions or hemorrhages in the mouth will be treated, any abscesses will be drained, and the area will be flushed with an antiseptic and covered with an antibiotic cream. Learn more here.

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