Main » 2015 » September » 6 » Training your dog not to jump on you
12:41 PM
Training your dog not to jump on you

You love your dog, and you enjoy his company day after day. However, you could do without his jumping. How can you teach him that this isn’t acceptable behavior?

Your dog jumps onto you to try to get your attention. He is seeking out your eye level, so one way to prevent jumping is to bring yourself down to his level when you are interacting with him. If your pet still jumps on you, stand up and turn around. By doing this you are showing him that he won’t be rewarded for the behavior by receiving your affection. Offer him plenty of praise when he places all four paws onto the floor, and he will begin to understand that he gets what he wants only when he doesn’t jump. Your local Vancouver, BC vet can help you determine the best training method for your pet.

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